Balans & Impuls is a partner for ‘people-powered organizations’: organizations depending on the expertise, creativity and effectiveness of their personnel. This includes organizations active in such diverse fields as financial services, consultancy, technical services, government agencies, education and health care.
In order to maximize your organization’s power you need reliable personnel. The ambition to consistently perform at top-level raises the question: how do I keep my personnel engaged and alert? How can we strike a balance between performance and relaxation?
In our course ‘people-oriented management’ we develop practical skills to respond to these questions. Our philosophy’s keyword is ‘balance’. Well-balanced people do not only perform better, but possess greater mental resilience and enjoy better physical health, too. When this balance is disturbed, the opposite will be the case: more mistakes, more absenteeism, a higher drop-out rate and more departures. Obviously, a manager has good reason to take care of the personal balance of his employees. This is what we call ‘people-oriented management’. However, it is difficult to realize this ambition in the exacting bustle of daily life. This training course aims to provide you with tools to do exactly that.
Why is it so important to pay attention to people-oriented management in this particular day and age?
If we take a closer look at absenteeism figures, we see that about a third are due to psychological complaints. The most recent trend is ‘passive absenteeism’ — employees are physically present, but their fatigue, loss of concentration or demotivation is such that results are suffering. This is not entirely surprising if we consider that most people now work in services and computerization. These ‘new jobs’ make strong appeals to social-emotional skills and cognitive information processing. Clients require quick and efficient service. Inter-personal irritations need to be communicated efficiently. E-mails need replies, deadlines must be met. Further training is obligatory if new developments are not to missed, and new requirements demand greater personal effectiveness. Organizations are more complex, roles are less clearly defined, people work together in self-managing teams — fun but exacting. And on top of that there is more pressure on private life with active hobbies, interesting friends, housework, duties, children’s clubs, internet and the media with an ever-increasing flood of information and the never-ending traffic jams…
School does not as a rule teach us how to function in a cognitive and social-emotionally intelligent way. Most of us learn by experience. Paying attention to these aspects of management will stimulate the vitality of both your employees and your company. This training will provide you with practical tools to manage that.
Practical development of a people-oriented style of management, how to achieve good results with energetic, vigorous personnel. ‘Being a good leader for others begins with being a good leader for yourself.’
• You can give each of your employees challenges and tasks according to their individual capacity
• You have insight into your employees’ possibilities and limitations and learn how to manage these
• You can interpret and manage ‘difficult behavior’ among your employees
• You will recognize indications of stress and how to bring them up for discussion
• You will learn to balance sources of stress and energy in the working process
• Your management style will find a balance in task, team and people-oriented leadership
• Your organization will reap serious benefits from people-oriented management. Well-balanced people perform better, have greater mental resilience and suffer less absenteeism.
Day 1
• What makes people tick? Getting familiar with the instruments of self-management ‘think-feel-act’
• Psycho-education about people in a professional context. What keeps them energetic and motivated?
• Sources of vitality in a professional context; learn to manage sources of stress and energy
• Effective management of time and energy
• Recognizing stress-indicators and how to discuss them
Day 2 (two weeks after day 1)
• Coaching employees and team within possibilities and limitations
• Managing ‘difficult behavior’ among employees
• Confrontation and limitation
• Delegate, control and motivate
• Result-driven management
Day 3 (six weeks after day 2)
• Refreshing what has been learned, as desired by the group
• Plan of action to effectuate vitality on personal, team and organization level
The group will consist of between 8 and 12 participants.
It will take 5 mornings or afternoons. Theory and practice will alternate in the form of exercises, assignments and discussions.
The course will be set up according to the client’s and participants’ wishes. An offer will be made after an exploratory consultation
For more information, please call 0031-70-392 22 61 or send an e-mail to