When you experience complaints of tension, gloominess, uncertainty or other unhealthy habits that you do not manage to change. You are still working and things are under control in your private life, but you are aware: ‘If I do nothing my complaints will grow worse’, then Mental e-Health training can be of help. Mental e-Health training is aimed at strengthening your health and preventing diseases.
In the training you will work towards goals that you choose online. It is about enhancing healthy behaviours and reducing unhealthy behaviours. Reduce sources of stress and increase energy sources. On a daily basis you can register your own development on different subjects. This will provide you with insights into your own behaviour and will teach you to have more control over your energy levels and mood. The online psychologist will provide you with feedback. The program takes 3 to 4 months to complete.
Mental e-Health training – light
• Twice a week online psychological support, via chat or e-mail
• One or two learning goals of your own choice
• Program of three months
• Monitoring system for your results
• Useable both via phone application and computer browser
For prices, call us
Mental e-Health training – intensive
• Intake by phone (30 min) and two questionnaires
• One or two learning goals of your own choice
• Twice a week psychological support; once by phone and once online
• Program of three months, with an additional month of follow-up
• Monitoring system for your results
• Useable both via phone application and computer browser
For prices, call us
• Support on the moments that suit you
• Aimed at results, no non-sense
• Learning goals based on your own wishes
• The online psychological support is provided by experienced psychologists, you will be paired to your own psychologist.
• Balans & Impuls is active since 1997 for providing people with psychological support in both a demanding work life as well as a demanding private life. In 2006 Balans & Impuls started with online support. In the last couple of years development has continued based on the wishes of clients. The visions of Balans & Impuls are substantiated by research and publications such as: Hoe mensen werken, Jezelf besturen and Weerbaarheid voor reddingswerkers. By Heilwine Bakker and others.
For more information, please call 0031-70-392 22 61 or send an e-mail.