When an employee struggles to do his or her job because of psychological complaints, or finds it impossible to function optimally, questions may arise about his or her workload capacity.
These questions are such as:
1) What cognitive possibilities and limitations does the job offer?
2) What personal possibilities and limitations does the job offer?
3) Which professional activities and work context best suit his or her possibilities?
4) What can the employer do so as to improve effectiveness?
5) What can the person involved do to improve effectiveness?
6) What aid is offered to improve optimal effectiveness?
7) What is the prognosis for recovery and reintegration? (if relevant)
Generally speaking, a psychological examination is intended to chart a person’s strengths and weaknesses. Its contents are largely determined by its central question. Requests for a psychological examination are mostly put in by company medical officers and medical insurance specialists. Most are concerned with questions such as those above.
Psychological examination aims to chart the following areas:
• Intelligence
• Psychological workload capacity
• Social skills
• Personal skills
• Psychopathology
• Impact of traumatic expierences
• Individual developmental history
A psychological examination is conducted by a psychologist. It involves a diagnostic interview, and personality, intelligence and skills tests.
A psychological examination seeks to answer the client’s central question. This will provide suggestions and recommendations concerning the following:
• Psychological work load capacity of the employee
• Prognosis for recovery and/or professional effectiveness
• Possibilities and limitations of the employee
• Adaptions/improvements in the professional situation
• Personal training/coaching to improve/enhance skills
• Setting up a reintegration program
• Setting up a program to improve effectiveness
• Psychological counseling
Usually, the request for a psychological examination is made by a company medical officer or a medical insurance expert. Managers may also put in a request. Such requests and the personal data of the employee in question are put in writing by the client. If the employee agrees to the examination, these are then sent to Balans & Impuls. The examination report will be discussed with the employee, who is entitled to see and correct the report, and has the right to refuse access to others. In agreement with the person concerned the report will then be sent to the company medical officer or medical insurance specialist. Reports may only be sent to medical specialists bound by professional secrecy. They are responsible for feedback to the employer concerning the report’s conclusions and suggestions. If so desired, the psychologist may discuss professionally relevant suggestions and recommendations in a personal meeting with the client and employee.
• Diagnostic interview
• Extensive personality examination and/or intelligence test
• Advisory consultation with the examinee
• Report to the client within 10 days after request
Based on a free consultation, Balans & Impuls will offer a proposal. The course can start as soon as we have received two signed copies in acceptance of our offer. We will then send you an invoice. Payment is due within two weeks.
In extremely complicated situations, a psychological examination may be executed in combination with an examination by a psychiatrist or neuropsychologist.
For more information, please call 0031-70-392 22 61 or send an e-mail to secretariaat@balans-en-impuls.nl