Socializing after covid

  • event 01-10-2022
  • schedule 00:00
  • timer 2 minuten

October 2022

Reactions to the imposed restrictions regarding social interactions vary during the pandemic. Some individuals liked the social restrictions. It allowed them to find more time for themselves. Enjoy the solitude and use it to reflect or attend to their own needs, rather than those of others. Social obligations were lifted without them needing to set boundaries. They found comfort and even pleasure within the inflicted social isolation.

Others may have felt the other extreme. They yearned for social and physical contact. They missed going out and socializing on a daily basis. They felt lonely, alone and lacked the feeling of belongingness. Naturally there were also individuals in the middle of the continuum, but for now let’s think of these examples.

Now that restrictions were lifted, it demands adjustment. Individuals, who enjoyed having more solitude, find themselves uncomfortable with exposure to others. They are struggling to go directly back to how socializing used to be. Others, may feel that the interactions feel differently to them. They may find that they feel more disconnected from others than before. They may feel alone or lonely in the presence of others. The nature of the relationships may feel different e.g. more superficial, or the manner of communications might have changed.

If you are currently feeling uncomfortable in social situations. Try these tips:

  1. Regulate and reacclimate: Define how much social interaction in person is important to you. Then, think in which frequency will your feel comfortable and fulfilled. Perhaps interchanging between online and physical presence will feel better to you, or maybe meet others when in less busy hours. You can experiment and see what works for you.
  2. Choose- Social interactions may cost you energy. Choose carefully the time of day you do it and then also choose with whom you meet. If the relationship is important to you and you want to renew it, then build up the social interactions slowly.  For example, at first meet one or two in person in a quiet place, then build it up to more frequent, busier places and  meet more people.
  3. Reach out– If you lost contact with people, try to meet new people. Seek others, who share your hobbies, interest and values. Each encounter that will be pleasurable will also raise your confidence and motivation to keep reaching out and being in more physically present in social situations.